Mayor of Brockton, Bill Carpenter, with CV Ambassador, Carlos Veiga
On Saturday January 14, 2017, Santana’s Restaurant and Function Hall in Brockton held a reception for the Ambassador and Finance Minister. Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter welcomed the men to Brockton and informed the guests and people in the audience that the city continues to support businesses and residents who choose to live here.
The dinner celebration gave a chance for Cape Verdean Americans to break bread and speak with leaders from their native country and exchange ideas on how to improve the lives of people here in the U.S. and in Cabo Verde. Finance Minister Correia returned Sunday to Cabo Verde while Ambassador Veiga left for Washington, DC Monday, January 16, 2017.
I would so much like to see what the Cabo Verde ambassadors are really doing to improve Cabo Verde its all for they pocket… Criolos only concern is helping themselves. which is sad.. where is the money that was giving to them to help Fogo.. when are they planning on making sure every home has water inside and electrical for every island…
You are being lead by white men they don’t care about you guys CV are black people, but the sad part about it CV people don’t like To be consider black.