It’s the 4th Annual Cape Verdean Festival in Falmouth, Massachusetts. But the vice president of the Cape Verdean Club here, Wesley Leite, says this year is special, “This particular one is a special one because it’s our 75th anniversary in existence for this Cape Verdean Club of Falmouth.”
The Cape Verdean Club of Falmouth is the oldest of its kind in the U.S., and it’s the only one in Cape Cod. Senator Vinny deMacedo said its important to preserve the Cape Verdean identity and culture.

“The morabeza de gente de Cabo Verde is like none other. It’s a unique thing. And there’s a love and affinity for Massachusetts, for the people here in the community…” said deMacedo.
“So we try to keep the education up and make sure that all our Cape Verdeans are aware of whats going on around them,” said Leite.
The festival has grown larger each year, and its popularity grows with each generation.
“75 years ago our ancestors created this club because of that one reason, that they had nowhere else to go. So they created their own place where they would have a place that they can call their own. So we’re trying to make sure that’s preserved and lasts another 75 years,” added Leite.
Senator deMacedo said, “We want to continue to keep that up, we want to continue whats special. Our music, our culture, our food. That’s important for our children and our children’s children to understand where we came from and what we are. Most people don’t know about these small group of islands off the coast of Africa.”