Bairro stuns ABC with Third Consecutive Loss
There are two teams leading the league at 7-2, Bairro and Terra Branca Pitbulls. Terra Branca is...
Read MorePosted by Associação Cabo Verdiana de Basquetbol | Feb 26, 2018 | ACVB, Articles, Boston, Brockton, Cabo Verde, New Bedford, New England, Onset, Providence, Sports, Sports News, USA, Wareham | 0 |
There are two teams leading the league at 7-2, Bairro and Terra Branca Pitbulls. Terra Branca is...
Read MorePosted by Associação Cabo Verdiana de Basquetbol | Feb 15, 2018 | ACVB, Articles, Boston, Brockton, Cabo Verde, New Bedford, New England, Pawtucket, Providence, Sports, Sports News, USA | 0 |
This week two of the top teams in the league faced each other to battle for first place seeding....
Read MorePosted by Associação Cabo Verdiana de Basquetbol | Feb 8, 2018 | ACVB, Articles, Boston, Brockton, Cabo Verde, community, New Bedford, New England, Sports, Sports News, USA | 0 |
Week seven of 2018 ACVB league tipped off with intense match ups that shook the standings. The...
Read MorePosted by Associação Cabo Verdiana de Basquetbol | Dec 27, 2017 | ACVB, Articles, Boston, Brockton, Cabo Verde, community, Empowerment, New Bedford, New England, Praia, Providence, Sports, USA, Youth | 0 |
The third week of regular season for ACVB has proven to be another round of great performances by...
Read MorePosted by Associação Cabo Verdiana de Basquetbol | Jun 30, 2017 | ACVB, Articles, Boston, Brockton, Cabo Verde, Sports, USA | 0 |
The two most prominent teams Clube Desportivo ABC and Predio played in the finals, a highly...
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